In this post we will discuss CBD Oil Vs CBD Tincture – Cannabidiol, which we mostly know as CBD, is becoming more popular day by day. Various research projects are going on about the capabilities of this amazing component. Few have already been confirmed and many are yet to be discovered.
CBD is now available in various forms, be it CBD oil or CBD tinctures. It entirety depends upon the choice of the customers, which way they wish to use CBD. Both are beneficial and have their own effects in their own ways. It should also be remembered that each human body is different, hence reactions of the CBD products would be different for each person. No two people will have same effects, even if they are using the same product.
We should know what CBD is ?

CBD is a naturally occurring substance in the cannabis plant. It is also termed as cannabidiol. The cannabis plant contains hundreds of cannabinoids and cannabidiol is one among them. But out of two most known components of Cannabis, CBD is one of them. The other important component is Tetrhydrocannabinol, which is also called THC. CBD contains amazing therapeutic properties that are beneficial not only for humans but also for our pets. It is a safe medicine that carries very little or no side effects and no mind altering effects on human mind and body, hence it has increasingly become popular. THC on the other hand is a non- psychoactive substance which means that to it’s customers, it will give a high. It is not preferred by some people, instead they are looking to CBD for health benefits that come with it.
CBD can treat problems like nausea, stress, anxiety disorders, insomnia, depression and the list is still growing. It also has no intoxicating effects on humans. CBD can be sourced from both, hemp and marijuana plants.
CBD has been legalized if it follows certain conditions. The CBD sourced from the industrial hemp plant is considered to be legal as it contains less than 0.3% THC. On the other hand CBD sourced from marijuana is dominated by THC components, although it too does have CBD, hence CBD from marijuana isn’t preferred.
How CBD affects the body?

The human body consists of a system called the Endocannabinoid System. This system was discovered in the 1990’s. It plays a major role in the regulation of various important functions in the body. According to scientists, any species that have a vertebrae, possesses an endocannabinoid system. The endocannabinoid system can be found throughout the body and it is a huge network of receptors. Endocannabinoid systems look after our heart, digestive, immune, endocrine, nervous and reproductive system. Overall it watches over our entire body.
Our body, even though it produces it’s own endocannabinoids, there are times when the body runs short of them and they need something extra to fix the issue. That’s where CBD is extremely helpful. The basic nature of CBD, which as soon as it enters our body, is to block the breakdown of our own endocannabinoids, so that the body is allowed to use more of the naturally occurring substance.
What is CBD Oil?

CBD oil is one of the ways to use CBD. It is most potent and expensive. CBD oil is one of the most popular CBD products on the market and they can either be sublingually ingested or can be applied topically to the skin.
CBD oil is processed by the extraction of CBD from industrial hemp or marijuana, it is diluted with any carrier oil like hemp seed oil, MCT oil or coconut oil, so that it will be easy to consume. CBD oils are potent, fast acting and convenient. They can be an ideal choice especially for those who are suffering from chronic illnesses like epilepsy and cancer.
Ingredients in CBD oil

As CBD oil is considered to be the purest of all CBD products, it doesn’t contain much additional substance. The reason is that due to the presence of additional things, the concentration of CBD gets lowered. Base oil is the most important ingredient in CBD oil as with the help of a base oil. A base oil is the mix of following things:
• Vegetable glycerine
• Coconut oil
• Hemp seed oil
• MCT oil
• Grape-seed oil
• And more
What are CBD Tincture?

Tinctures are found to be one of the most popular ways of extracting and consuming CBD. Tinctures are produced when with the help of alcohol and a water solution, the CBD is extracted from industrial hemp and marijuana plants. For improvement in taste and to provide additional health benefits, tinctures contain additional ingredients like herbs and flavoring agents. Due to the presence of alcohol, the absorption rate of CBD tinctures is increased. This alcohol acts as preservative, increasing the shelf life of this product. Tinctures, when taken sublingually under the tongue, absorbs faster and hence effects begin quickly.
Ingredients of CBD Tincture

In CBD tinctures, you will find less CBD concentration as compared to what you find in CBD oil. As in the tinctures, flavors are added to provide additional benefits, the level of CBD automatically gets decreased a bit. Many of the extra ingredients found in tinctures, few are listed below:
• Additives like melatonin for sleep
• Sweeteners
• Water
• Vitamins like B3 B12,D,E
• Herbs like chamomile for relaxation
• Essential oils like lavender, peppermint, eucalyptus, basil and grapefruit
• Emulsifiers
How is CBD Oil produced?

It is produced by using carbon dioxide or hydrocarbon extraction method. In the carbon dioxide method where we use different air pressures and temperatures to extract cannabinoids and other compounds of the cannabis plant provides us with pure CBD. In the hydrocarbon extraction method, we pass cannabis material through a solvent which collects cannabinoids and terpenes.
How is Tincture produced?
They are produced by ethanol and carbon dioxide methods. Another popular process for producing tinctures is by alcohol extraction. This process is faster as compared to CO2 extraction method. At times, to enhance the potency, the plant material will be heated beforehand or decarboxylated.
How similar Are CBD Oil and CBD Tinctures?

• They both are ingested sublingually, that is under the tongue with the help of a dropper.
• They both come in amber colored glass.
• Tinted glass keeps the products safe and fresh by blocking the light and also increasing the shelf life
• Both come with a dropper to make it convenient and easy.
• Both provide same health benefits.
How CBD oil is different from CBD tinctures?
CBD Oil Vs CBD Tincture
• Tinctures contain another ingredient alongside CBD. However, CBD oil contains nothing but CBD.
• Tinctures are flavored but CBD oil has natural earthy smell. CBD tinctures come in many different flavors like chocolate, vanilla, pineapple, peach and many more.
• Although both can be used topically, however CBD tinctures can give skin irritation as it contains additional ingredients.
• CBD oil are oil based products while CBD tinctures are alcohol based product .
• CBD oil can be ingested by vape method while CBD tinctures can be ingested by mixing in food.
• A high quality CBD oil is always more expensive than CBD tinctures.
Uses: CBD oil and CBD Tinctures

Although they provide the same health benefits to their consumers, they are as different as they can be, and are used for different purposes.
For people who have just started with CBD or are experimenting with CBD, they should start with CBD tinctures. For all those who just want to start with a small dose, the answer is CBD tinctures. This is the most suitable option. Since the tinctures are flavored, they are popular among kids and for all those too who look for flavors also.
CBD oil, on the other hand can be helpful in treating chronic illness like epilepsy and cancer. For those individuals who are on the heavier side, consequently need a high dose, they choose CBD oil for the same reason.
As we see that CBD oil or CBD tinctures are the products of CBD. Both are similar in some ways and still they differ in others. Both contain individual characteristics and it is purely the choice of the individual.
Regardless of what product you chose, you will surely be receiving the benefits of CBD compounds. CBD helps our body in a magical way by supporting the body receptors at those places in which it is required. So many CBD products are available in the market, so wisely choose the one that fits your requirements.
CBD is an amazing component, having neutral or no side effects, instead it is a substance that can benefit us in a thousands different ways. Owing to it’s therapeutic properties, CBD is helpful in depression, anxiety, insomnia, appetite, relief in pain, elevating mood disorders and so on. This is a completely non-psychoactive substance containing powerful health remedies that have been under strict laws and supervision. They are more accessible to people now after the Farm Bill was passed regarding the legality of CBD. They can be purchased from both the market and online. Just be aware what you are buying exactly and be a smart shopper whenever you are going to buy a CBD product.